ID работы: 5912500

Пятый лепесток Кавасаки

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Часть 1

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line by line, I folding - this is mine. one end to another end, it's not sufficient. this process - it broke me down, the Kawasaki rose, I repeating you now.

(the first leaf is done)

how many times? how much I did? I don't remember, it don't rid.

(the second leaf is done)

your form, your shape, your structure... you remind me Universe architecture.

(the third leaf is done)

how possible? is it reality? it was piece of paper, but rose is actuality.

(the fourth leaf is done)

I folding you, again again, my mind, my fingers are the same. here is no time, here is no worries, the process of Now - the process of stories...

the fifth leaf is done... [1]

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