ID работы: 2391803

Night butterfly

Kendall Schmidt, Madison Beer (кроссовер)
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POV Мэдисон. Солнечное утро. Нужно идти в школу. Точнее собираться идти. Ненавижу школу,так как там учиться мой враг - Кендалл Шмидт. Раньше он был хорошим человеком,а сейчас стал бабником. Я с ним раньше дружила. Мы вместе гуляли, кормили голубей,а сейчас все изменилось. Он бабник, который хочет со всеми девчонками переспать. Я всегда думала, что это пройдет. Но с каждым днем, я теряла веру в него. Как мне было тяжело терять такого человека.Точнее друга. Ладно, пойду собираться, а то опоздаю в школу. Через 30 минут, я уже садилась в свою машину и поехала в школу. По дороге я пела песню The Heart Wants What It Wants You got me sippin on something I can't compare to nothing I've ever known, I'm hoping That after this fever I'll survive I know I'm acting a bit crazy Strung out, a little bit hazy Hand over heart, I'm praying That I'm gonna make it out alive The bed's getting cold and you're not here The future that we hold is so unclear But I'm not alive until you call And I'll bet the odds against it all Save your advice 'cause I won't hear You might me right but I don't care There's a million reasons why I should give you up But the heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants You got me scattered in pieces Shining like stars and screaming Lightining me up like Venus But then you disappear and make me wait And every second's like torture Hell over trip, no more so Finding a way to let go Baby baby no I can't escape The bed's getting cold and you're not here The future that we hold is so unclear But I'm not alive until you call And I'll bet the odds against it all Save your advice 'cause I won't hear You might me right but I don't care There's a million reasons why I should give you up But the heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants This is a modern fairytale No happy endings No wind in our sails But I can't imagine a life without Bretheless moments Breaking me down The bed's getting cold and you're not here The future that we hold is so unclear But I'm not alive until you call And I'll bet the odds against it all Save your advice 'cause I won't hear You might me right but I don't care There's a million reasons why I should give you up But the heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants The heart wants what it wants baby Wants what it wants Wants what it wants Закончив петь песню, я уже подъезжала к школе...
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